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Patience Truly is a Virtue

By Mallory Slocum   |  March 28, 2016

Over the past few months I have been diligently working on my master's thesis. Every spare moment that I had was designated to this very long paper. If I was not...

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Keywords: 1 samuel

Serving the Church in Other Ways

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  March 21, 2016

Maple Grove people who have served in special ways and in special places as servants of our Lord...

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Keywords: history

Everything Comes at a Price

By Mallory Slocum   |  March 14, 2016

Continuing with my Once Upon a Time quotes theme, here is another one that really strikes a chord and it is one of the most popular quotes...

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Keywords: john


By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  March 7, 2016

How can we show thankfulness to God and to others? What do we say? What do we do? There is so much to be thankful for but so often we just never mention that because...

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Keywords: history

Love Is Strength

By Mallory Slocum   |  February 29, 2016

If you have read one of my earlier blog entries you will know that Once Upon a Time. Emma counters her claim with the most accurate response. She tells Cora that love...

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Keywords: philippians

Reading and Transcribing Maple Grove History

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  February 22, 2016

In working on the church history, I soon found that some of it was becoming unreadable because the writing utensil used was fading into oblivion. So one of my first task...

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Keywords: history

God is the Greatest Teacher

By Mallory Slocum   |  February 15, 2016

Imagine you are back in school (if you're not currently in school) and you are taking a very important test. You have a grasp on the studied material yet you still...

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Keywords: john, luke

God Is In Control..

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  February 8, 2016

When I wake in the morning, I’m so glad God is in control and wants me with Him in His work for the next day. When I look out on the world of nature...

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Keywords: history

Overcoming Fear Can Lead to Greatness

By Mallory Slocum   |  February 1, 2016

King George VI is, in my own opinion, the most intriguing monarch of the 20th century. He was the second son of King George V. His first given name was Albert, after his paternal great-grandfather, as a tribute to him...

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Keywords: psalms

Church of the Brethren Theme

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  January 25, 2016

The theme of the Church of the Brethren denomination is: “Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.” ...

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Keywords: history

Choices and Consequences

By Mallory Slocum   |  January 18, 2016

King Edward VIII is one of the more notable monarchs of the 21st century. He had the shortest reign of any of the British monarchs since 1707 and he was the only one to abdicate in that timespan. His reign lasted less than...

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Keywords: 2 samuel, proverbs

What's with that painting?

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  January 11, 2016

Above the double doors as you exit the sanctuary is a painting of Christ praying on a rock assumed to depict the Garden of Gethsemane. This painting hung at the front of ...

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Keywords: history

The Importance of Positive Influences

By Mallory Slocum   |  January 4, 2016

I love history. It is one of my many interests. One of my favorite areas to study is the British monarchy, especially monarchs of the late 19th century. The reason why I...

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Keywords: esther, james

The Ministers' Table Becomes a Pulpit

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  December 28, 2015

In the early church era (1850-1870) there was a long table at the front of the sanctuary behind which several volunteer ministers sat who were to speak at that...

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Keywords: history

Finding Light in the Darkness

By Mallory Slocum   |  December 21, 2015

On Halloween, my professor and his wife (Chad and Jen) experienced something that most parents can’t even fathom. They lost their daughter, Evelyn. She passed away...

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Keywords: job

A Brush With Greatness and Fame

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  December 14, 2015

Early years, before the division into church districts, "church" was held in homes/cabins every two weeks or maybe once per month, varying the locations: north, south, east, west. Since the "Brethren" tended to live in...

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Keywords: history, proverbs, romans

Villains Can Become Heroes

By Mallory Slocum   |  December 7, 2015

One of my favorite television shows is Once Upon A Time. If you have not watched this series, this show brings our beloved fairy tale characters to reality as they...

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Keywords: acts

Maple Grove History-Names and Age

By Marilyn Kettering Badger   |  November 30, 2015

The Bible is clear on what a brethren is and what a brethren is not. A brethren is a Christian that has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A brethren is no more...

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Keywords: history, matthew

God As Our Guide

By Mallory Slocum   |  November 23, 2015

Do you ever have one of those days where you are wondering, what am I supposed to be doing with my life? I would be the first to admit that I have asked myself this ...

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Keywords: ruth

For Such A Time As This

By   |  November 16, 2015

Life poses to us some tough questions Why are we here or the more personal Why am I here? It sometimes is very clear to us and other times takes a lifetime to discover...

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Keywords: esther


By   |  November 9, 2015

A few months ago I read an article on the vagabond life. It explained how people are freeing their lives of excess “stuff” and enjoying a life of traveling...

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Keywords: matthew  |   454 comments


By   |  November 2, 2015

Like most couples on their day off, my wife and I were out running errands. Some obviously were more urgent than others so we set our priorities on what we could get done...

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Keywords: matthew  |   47 comments


By   |  October 26, 2015

Recently, our daughter flew in from Florida to Ohio for an extended family gathering. One of her “requirements” during her weeklong visit was spending a day a...

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Keywords: proverbs  |   57 comments

By Technology Alone

By   |  October 19, 2015

There was a great article in the October 7 issue of the Ashland (OH) Times-Gazette that told of the steep learning curve of driving new vehicles with all their safety features; that new car...

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Keywords: matthew  |   304 comments


By   |  October 12, 2015

"Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don't see"(Hebrews 11:1, CEB). Faith, according to the writer of Hebrews, comes from...

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Keywords: hebrews  |   21 comments

Right Path

By   |  October 5, 2015

One of our favorite things to do in summer and fall is go camping on the Mohican River. Since Monday is my day off, we normally leave Sunday after church and are arriving...

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Keywords: matthew, proverbs  |   45 comments

Life Lessons from a Pig

By   |  September 28, 2015

Maybe that isn't such a good title because it might lead you down the path of contemplating a totally different subject but like many of you, last week I went to...

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Keywords: proverbs  |   59 comments

The Rest of Your Life

By   |  September 21, 2015

I am a big fan of the Old West. I love the stories of cowboys and gunslingers. These people who seemed to be bigger than life added so much to my youth as I read about the heroes and the villains of this time period. I have sat enthralled, watching numerous movies...

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Keywords: ephesians  |   343 comments


By   |  September 14, 2015

Oops! I bet like me you just missed it. September 12 is celebrated as National Day of Encouragement, a day set aside to remember to inspire, reassure...

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Keywords: thessalonians  |   62 comments

Everything You Do

By   |  September 7, 2015

One of my favorite songs by Steven Curtis Chapman is one of those songs you just love to sing along with. Called “Do Everything,” the chorus

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Keywords: collossians  |   274 comments
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